CLEAN-Contact: Enzyme Commision (EC) Number Prediction Website

Please carefully read Instructions before proceed.

Instructions: Just input amino acid sequence and the corresponding UniProt ID to the fields, and leave your email to receive results once the calculation is done. You may leave this webpage after clicking the "Predict" button. If you do not receive any email after 24 hours after clicking "Prediction", please check your spam folder or contact the first author.

Please select your protein structure source:

If you choose AlphaFold2 Protein Structure Database for protein structure source, enter the corresponding protein's UniProt ID in the following field, any uploaded file will be ignored. If you choose Upload your own PDB, put the protein structure in the PDB format in the PDB Structure field, UniProt ID field will be just used as a reference to your prediction result.

You are welcomed to leave any feedback about this tool and website by clicking here.

If you find this tool useful in your research, please cite:

Yang, Y., Jerger, A., Feng, S., Wang, Z., Cheung, M. S., Zucker, J., & Guan, Q. (2024). CLEAN-Contact: Contrastive Learning-enabled Enzyme Functional Annotation Prediction with Structural Inference. bioRxiv, 2024-05. (Under revision at Communications Biology)